
Simply use the class based PDFView which is a drop in replacement for TemplateView.

from django_pdfkit import PDFView

url(r'^my-pdf/$', PDFView.as_view(template_name='my-pdf.html'), name='my-pdf'),

Then in your browser goto http://localhost:8000/my-pdf/ and it will magically render as a PDF.

By default the PDF filename will be the same as the template file name however with a .pdf file extension.

Query Parameter Support

The following query parameters can adjust the views behaviour.

  • inline - don’t set the CONTENT-DISPOSITION header, causing the PDF to be displayed inline if the browser supports it.
  • download - set the CONTENT-DISPOSITION header (default).
  • html - don’t render as a PDF, render as HTML, useful for debugging your HTML output.
  • debug - turn on debug mode when calling pdfkit - only works when settings.DEBUG is True.

For example, http://localhost:8000/my-pdf/?inline - will cause the PDF to be displayed inline.


Define any of the following properties either as a kwarg to PDFView.as_view or as a property on the view.

  • filename - set the downloadable filename.
  • inline - default to display PDF inline, can be overridden with the download query string parameter.

WKHTMLTOPDF_BIN Environment Variable

pdfkit will automatically look for the wkhtmltohtml binary on your path however if you’ve installed it outside your path you can set the environment variable WKHTMLTOPDF_BIN.

WKHTMLTOPDF_BIN=/path/to/wkhtmltopdf ./ runserver